You and I are two different people. We have different life
experiences. We have different strengths and weaknesses. We have
different desires, beliefs, level of perseverance, different
connections, and so on. So who am I to tell you what you can and cannot
achieve in your life.
I’m not you. You may have strengths I don’t have. You may have a
level of determination and unwillingness to give up that far surpasses
mine. I may be basing my predictions on my past failures. You may be
basing yours on your past successes. You may simply be better than me at
turning dreams into reality.
If I say you can’t do something, there’s a good chance that it’s
because I don’t want you to be disappointed like I was when I failed at
achieving my own dreams. If I couldn’t do it, then how could you? I
sometimes forget that we are two different people. I sometimes forget my
limitations are mine and not yours.
So, if I ever tell you to give up on your dreams, on the things you
want most in life, please ignore my words for they probably came from a
place of fear and pain caused by my own past failures. Instead, please
prove me wrong so that perhaps I could once again believe that I too can
achieve my own dreams and have the courage to try again.