Wednesday 27 January 2016

What a boy can give to a girl...

I recently had few words about a 'boy girl relation' to my friend that other than being a best friend for a girl...
A boy could actually help her morally and emotionally...
Now, You may be wondering how...?
Well it is a thoughtful answer...
We teens often become self conscious about our
 'how do we look?', 
'What do people think?',
'how  we act?',
'how we dress?',....etc
Just now to let others make us feel bad ;but it's very hard!
But, It's a part of growing up!
Just  I can say always say "We are all beautiful."
Don't be afraid to admit of being less than perfect, because no one in the world is perfect.
Coming back to the point.."boy girl relation"
In that case if there is someone who could make us feel special by simply complementing us..I guess it will definately make our day in some way or other...
We feel good and would love to dress again just to get those complements again...Wont we ?
He can boost your self-esteem, afterall it gives us a positive feeling to look in the mirror and keep our heads high ;)
Being in a relationship is not the shit, but if both the partners make the best out of it by moral support can take this to success.
Lastly,I believe that A perfect meeting of the minds combined with physical attraction, care, respect, value and genuine affection for one another.

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