Monday 14 March 2016

why not exercise your tongue much ?

Hello Readers !!!

Yes, after a long time, 
I am back to my world of sharing thougths......

Well I hope by now you have understood from the title that this blog is not about something kinda teaching you some "yog" for tongue twisting exercise.

LOL... sorry that was very lame :D

My dear, Ladies and gentlemen, this blog is about Communication.Not the tring tring tring
no, no, no!
Rather, the one which you and me should use frequently, the speaking your heart out one, the one in which the words comes out of your mouth!Well, if man has evolved and managed to learn to speak in all those different languages you put in your resume, why not use them to express your emotions. How difficult can it be ? I am not saying it's easy! It's not. Sometimes it needs  a lot of courage of it ! But you have to say at one time or the other.

Let me take a simple Example :

So, here's a situation, 

You are walking down to the street and find a pretty dress in the display, you analyse if you need it or not. And finally, when you have thought enough, you enter the store. So here is the question
Do you stand there and stare at the owner of the shop, in a hope that he might understand that you just saw a beautiful dress in the display and walked inside the  store to buy it ?
The answer is NO!
You go straight to him and ask him about the dress in the display!

There ! So Simple

Then in real life, why do we hesitate so much ? Hesitate to speak to our loved ones, to whom we have known for a short of good enough time! why do we only analyze if we should say it or not, as a conclusion you decide to say it ! and finally when you actually have to say it, We hesitate !

Why do we decide to hold on our thoughts, until they become doubts....

Also, Very Important point...
I don't understand that why do people have to use technology so excessively! I mean I like technology, love it actually, a single click on the screen is connecting you to the next person .But, there are somethings that YOU SHOULD NOT SAY ON TEXT MESSAGE !

like I can understand if you are busy and you can't be there for dinner...
but don't keep this as a habit later on..

Oooh breakup there ! don't be like HIM ;P
You can't just send a text message about something so serious.

As a conclusion,  Communication is not only good for home,to maintain and build a new relation but anywhere!  So, why don't we say it or tell people about what we feel more often.Could be any ideas, marriage proposals, anything that is necessary to say it.

I hope you liked this, Remember , We can make a difference !But, for that we need to try ! 

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