Wednesday 29 July 2020



This morning, While I was travelling to office. Almost, 45 minutes of travel, there were lot many thoughts came to my mind on Growth.. 

I discussed with my friend and asked him "What comes the first thing to your mind on "Growth""
He replied: "Today where I am and previously Where I was!'

We all face and go through changes as the time flies away...

If I take example of mine; 

I always look back and feel nostalgic about it...

Schooling and (hometown) in Dahod,
Graduation days in Anand,
Post Graduation days in Pune,
Internship in Delhi,
First Job in Pune and 
Currently in Vadodara (2nd Job)...

So, basically we all keep growing in our lives...According to me, 

"Growth is  something that makes us unprepared and it is uncertain..."

Like in my case, After schooling, I moved to new city for pursuing my Graduation Course....

After Graduation Course, I moved to another new city for pursuing my Post-Graduation Course...

During the Post-Graduation Course, I choose another new city to pursue my Internship Course...

Likewise.... so on... the cycle goes on..

And, all the above change/transition/ which ultimately ends up by "Growth" have always been the toughest and most challenging, with lot's of Up's and down's, at some point it stretched us and push to go beyond, sometime as there was no other option to choose so basically all that we can do was to step in with what option we have..

#Uncertain #Growth #Transition #challenging #Unprepared....

"Stay health and Take Care. . ."


Friday 24 July 2020

Year 2020 "For Survival"

Hello Readers,

I am back after a very long time. Hope you all are safe and healthy!

Not only a small village,
a city,
a state,
a country,
But, Yes The Entire Globe... is struggling with this tough time of Covid-19.

We all realized that it was all fun and games in the beginning(i.e. End of March/Initial of April), many of us started cooking, trying out all new recipes especially baking Cakes and Ice-Creams/Shakes as it was hot summer days.

We all always seek for some or the other change in our daily lives. Unfortunately, we never expected this type of lifestyle change, the way we socialize, the way we interact with people at work and in our personal life, our cultural norms...

Scene before Covid-19/Lock-down;

1. Let's go to "Lonavala" impromptu plan: Yes, Why Not. Let's pack a backpack and get into the car and go....
2. Let's invite them for dinner: Yes, No problem. . . without any second thought we call/text the respective guest...
3. Visit to Hospital for normal routine checkup.: Yes, booked the appointment and visit accordingly.
Like so on. . .

And, if we talk about the present days;

A complete opposite situation. . .
1. Let's go to "Lonavala" impromptu plan: We can't. . .until and unless travel is related to utmost important need.
2. Let's invite them for dinner: We can't. . . (i.e. exceptional cases and with little extra care.)
3. Visit to Hospital for normal routine checkup.: No. Dr. are not ready to even measure BP. Until and Unless there is an emergency case.
Like so on. . .

Are this changes going to be permanent? This is ringing the minds of people across the globe.. In many ways, Yes... It would take longer time to go back to old days.

But, then slowly slowly we all understand the fact that "Oops, this is not going to end soon, it has a long way to go. . ." This Virus has already took a massive shit all over our lives and it still has more shit's to bring.

And likewise, each day is a little heavy. . .and prayers across the globe for it's END soon.

We never ever expected that there would be such days where there would be a strict restrictions in visiting each others places, gatherings/outings, . . etc.   with a better intention. Covid-19 has brought a Limit for almost everything and also built boundaries, has resulted in a large number of human live being lost.

We all are clueless of what's hold next for all of us. . .

We all wish to see it's end very soon and eagerly waiting for it's vaccine. . .

Take Care everyone... :)
Stay Safe and healthy... :)
Much of Love!