Friday 8 April 2016

Life's a reverse !



It is truth ! Life is a Boomerang(reverse). What you put in you get back, what you sow you will surely reap! If you are there for others, it will amaze you that in the time of need others will be there for you!  

Now, I know many of you would like to argue on this that this is nonsense,

"All this years I have, all my sacrifices, hard work and care I have given and loo now it never pays off !" But have patience, if it hasn't yet It will.

One way or another our deed come back to either enrich us, or haunt us! 

(If I talk technically, I can say with the same intensity in which you  threw it out, it will come back you.)

It happens in both your professional and personal , that indicates both business and love life

 Business Life :- What you invest you will earn with interest.                                          Love Life :- When you love unconditionally love with come back to you in a wonderful way.

I will always choose love, kindness and courtesy.

Have you experienced boomerang in your life? What are you sowing ?



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