Sunday 10 May 2020

COVID-19 has forced us to do work from home...

Looking Back,  How many of us demanded WFH? The count would be countless..

While sitting at Office Desk,, we all would have asked God "Please God, give me WFH type of Job.." Becuase that's so nice,,, we can do our office work and also relax,, doing office work in pyjama's../in shorts.

Well, I guess everyone of us have experienced Work from Home during this Lockdown phase due to COVID-19...

Life has a its unique styles to teach you a lesson in the most unexpected ways. Majority of us would have demanded(i.e. Non IT Field Employees) to have Work from Home policy, and look we got it and we are experiencing it.

I used to think working from home was just an awesome style, but i was wrong, it is toughest thing to do..

One side Office work and on the other side there is endlist list for household activities,, starting from early morning routine assigned by HOD member of the house,

It could be,

Cooking the Breakfast,
Taking care of the Water machines and ensuring all the water tanks are filled up,
To go to market to get some veggies, fruits or grocery stuff,
Cleaning the bedroom,
Help to wind up the kitchen,
Watering the Plants,
Washing Utensils,
List may be endless...

Which leads to irritation and frustration...

The pets in the house are confused what's happening here no one is stepping out and neither i am taken out for a scroll. For a change i am not barking but someone else is!

But, All this is important as long as we all are in home and are staying safe... Especially taking care of children and elders..

Lot's of Love,