Monday 31 August 2020


Each one has their own defination tor "Comeback".....

Today, for me it's been an year i left my previous job and was leaving Pune to comeback to Gujarat (to settle at this place(i.e. Baroda)... during childhood we used to call this city as Nani vali City... 

How does it feel like When you have a lot with you, all of sudden you start losing one by one, ....   and everything turns out to be dark... it becomes difficult to see the light at the end of tunnel.. State of devastating.

Today, during my conversation with my friend (Mantej Singh), we spoke on this topic Comeback... 

And, when i told him that I feel like I lost everything. And, a fear has developed inside that its now not possible for me to comeback.

He made me understand by saying that "You are on right track. Because when you feel come back is not possible that is the time you have nothing to loose.. And only thing you are left is with gain....So just think what you want to do and feel only things you want to do and dream only things you wanna do and just move on the direction...May be you would be wrong but atleast you would be on a path where you wanted to be...

Thanks buddy for being there at the most needed time...

We have faced setbacks in our life, but very few of those have that hunger to turn it around comeback.

Losing it all, then gaining it all, its a skill and very few pass this phase.. All you need is hard work and the most important "positive action."

The time of losing has gone..... now the next phase is yet to cross "to gain it all..."

Missing Dad :-*)

Lots of Love 


  1. Positivity is the main key to conquer anything in life .


  2. Gaining at the right path is more important.
    Well said Mam...such an inspiring.✌️

    Romansh Savani
