Wednesday 22 June 2016

Pune College !

Hello Readers !

Yes, It's Pune. I'm writing this from Pune.
I started my Post Graduation Program (Management) in IBS Business School from Pune.
I can say this would be my last Educational phase of my Life.
No more patience to sit in the lecture's....
I've no clue about what & where kind of questions after this 2 Years of my Post Graduation...


The reason of joining IBS is just to keep on learning , and enhance the skills which shall help me ahead in one or the other aspect of my Life.

Today is the 22nd day of mine in Pune City. But, It make me to feel that it has been a long time I knew this place. But, It's Expensive. And this Expensive word when i experience, I feel like If you want to lead a luxury life, you need to earn , not just earn, but a pretty good amount.

Another part is what I felt by talking to many new faces is "Live in the Present, Please keep on changing and also upgrading yourself, also change is must " , "Adopt the nature, surrounding", "Be Practical". 
The World shall never understand the language of Love, Emotions  & feeling.

I hope , My Journey of Pune transforms me with good vibes.

Apart from this, From nowonwads  I shall be sharing all my pune diaries. You shall come to know a lot about the pune, but slowly slowly...... 

Me with Pune :)
much more to come ahead !!! 
As, It's just the beginning.
Pune: City of Love & Nature.

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