Monday 1 November 2021

On 27th Oct, 2021. I am done and dusted with 27 years of my life


Hello Folks,

I recently celebrated my 27th birthday and could say that had a wonderful celebration at home and office both.

Although it was a weekday, workload that day wasn't too heavy or stressful. I was able to take birthday wishes calls from family members and friends and overall on a relax mode. Normally, every birthday are unique, like you have memories related to each birthday. And, yes!! this birthday was one of the best one and its going to be in memories for forever, as the pre-birthday celebration was done on 24th Oct, 2021 (i.e. Sunday) with my very special bunch of people which was a surprise for me and such a kind gesture was not at all expected. 

Morning had breakfast at home, left for office, I shared chocolates with all my colleagues at office. For Lunch, had subway, thus ended the day having dinner with family and then birthday cake for dessert. 

Post dad's demise, past two and half years have been rough. I remember feeling so sad and helpless at sometime. If I talk specific about year 2021. I could say that up till now it  has been a great year, because quite good few things have happened and came in touch to few very kind-hearted person and found new genuine friends. 

Let's see what's next? 

Take Care!

Wednesday 29 September 2021

September’2021 About to END!!!


Time flies so fast, September is about to end. This month has been unlucky in some way and lucky in some way for me. Initial 8-10 days were very tough for me but with babaji’s grace things were settling and trying to be back to normal.
Birthday month is going to arrive in just next two days😜 This 27th October, would be turning 27 years old, and would be entering to 28th.

Looking forward ‘For HappyOctober’ 😊

Sunday 27 June 2021

Friday Outing!!!!

                      Friday Outing !!! 

This post will not have content but just candid captures...:) Because sometimes certain things can’t be expressed via words... 

Sunday 2 May 2021

Until We Meet Again, Amma! A Farewell Letter to My Grandmother.

 2nd May,2021 at 10:15PM, amma tooked her last breathe and have left all of us for forever. 

She went to papa finally, it would be two years to dad’s demise on 27th May, 2021. She has struggled a lot throughout her life, dadda(grandpaa) passed away at a early age and left her alone with 7 childrens, she was never interested in education despite her father being the ‘school master’ during that very old time. She never liked to study when she was in single digit age years, hence got married when she was of 11years old. She was so obsessed to wear gold ornaments especially the gold hair accessories. She loved to make two plates with rib-bin’s as her daily routine hairstyle. All these she did shared with us(grandchildren) when we started growing from little kids.

It is really very sad to digest the fact that you are no longer with us and have moved to heaven. But, she was 78 years old. Her death wasn’t a shock to us, because we knew that it was coming. Looking at her last 15-20 days critical condition, we all kept praying to god as she was suffering a lot. 

And yet, it hurts.

My heart is raw. Everything about you will be missed, your handmade ‘Sindhi Seyal Maani with some extra lasan’, ‘Malpua’, ‘gobi aloo ki sukhi vali sabzi’,’uttarayan was her favourite festival because she loved catching the rolling kites coming from sky and to collect the thread with help of her fingers’ ...., much more...  you standing in the balcony of our old house during the evening hours, you were a great listener and had a great patience level. 

But, finally after a hell life struggles, you have reunited to grandpa and papa, naresh and Jaggu uncle. You are at your home. 

Last time we meet was on 19th March, 2021. I wish i was able to meet you very after that also. Stupid Covid situation is going worse day by day, keeping all the loved and dear ones away from each other. I hope God can make some miracle happen very soon.

Radha Soami Amma! Babaji baksho! 

Lots of Love.                                                                      Honey.

Weird and Humid Weather!


Everything about these days is weird. Today’s weather is just so humid, while taking my morning walk+jog, due to this humid climate, I felt so lethargic and feebleness. 

Such humid climate doesn’t just make you sweaty and  feel uncomfortable but make you sick definitely. 

Please wake up early, get outside to get the natural oxygen and natural vitamin D(from direct early rising sun rays) and as much as possible get the sweat out of your body by any kind of physical activity. Trust me, this helps a lot to stay motivated in this pandemic time, healthy and fit also. 

Morning walk at bridge(Incline mode).

One thing this covid virus made most of us learn one thing for sure that “Health is the only most important and primary thing to be taken care of.We also need to flush out our internal toxin in some regular time intervals.” 

#This time shall also pass.

 Safe and keep your self positive. 

Lot’s of Love.


Monday 26 April 2021

With DJ cum an Artist ‘Mr. Vatsal Thakkar’ at Concept1 gym, Vadodara

The First thing you see when you walk into ‘Concept1 gym’ workout zone is the “Live DJ - known by DJ Vattsie” it feels so energetic, “when you enter a gym for your workout whether it is early morning or late evening after a hectic day and you hear someone playing a live DJ, your heart rate goes up and your good feelings come out. That’s what we most of the people want in a gym.” We always try to find out some unique element in everything whether it is any dish, clothing, even when it comes to fetch a job, shopping, joining any course,... many more. And, finally i found that unique element in concept1 gym to join. 

Like people say and believe that the environment you are in actually matters a lot. So is the same  here ‘the environment you train in is as important as training itself and music is a great motivator to increase your efforts in the gym.”  Thanks to our artist cum DJ - Vatsal Thakkar for playing great music every day as that keeps everyone of us motivated to keep doing our workout and most importantly helping us to stay positive during this pandemic situation. 

You keep playing the jams and we will always be excited to hit the gym πŸ™‚

Here is our ‘DJ vala babu jara gana chala do....’ πŸ˜‰πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅

Picture Credit goes to ‘Mr. Arsh Patel Sir(Fitness Trainer). 

Stay Safe and Take Care!


Saturday 24 April 2021

With Shubhi & Harshil!

Good Morning folks! 

We all have got different type of learning while undergoing through this covid pandemic crisis. No one has the answer to the most common question : “when this will be back to normal again?” “when there will be No-Mask days?” “when can we bindass go to the streets, eat gol gappe, chaat?”,...,many more.

My learning from this pandemic is that “Life is so unpredictable and uncertain, so better live your life to the fullest and give your best in whatever you do.” 

So, this post is dedicated to one of my junior’s rather we have stayed under one shelter during our college times and no doubt i used to be their “MAA”. Always giving them gyan. I hope i did it for the right. 

Last week, after almost approx 2 years we got in touch via Instagram as i was away from all social media for almost longer peroid of time. So, here are they;

Stay blessed always and forever πŸ’• True love from both sides has got all the power! 

I still remember you first day arriving at our flat with your bua and family members, bua asking me to take care of yours. And, with time moving ahead, you became so mature to take care of things so well of-course with lots of ups and down. You are a brave girl and dance is in your blood so keep dancing! 

@Harshil : please consume less alcohol. Life is precious! 

Just take care you guys and I am always there for you guys! Thanks for all your love and respect! 

Lots of Love.πŸ₯°

Monday 22 March 2021

Last day at Sawan Egineers Pvt.Ltd.

Hello Folks!!!

Hope you all taking care of yourself during this pandemic situation!

Well, after a long time, there is an update here on this blog. So, the update is that I left my job at Sawan Engineers Pvt.Ltd. (GIDC Waghodia, Vadodara) on dated. 17.03.2021(i.e. Wednesday).

Certain decisions in life are really very hard to be taken but sometime you have to take it with a heavy heart. Few days ago, while I was taking my evening walk, I meet with one of my cousin uncle, he told me: "When we feel that why there are so many obstacles/hurdles in our life? why we don't achieve things easily? why this isn't made for me?....., etc. But always remember one thing that there's something very nice is waiting for you, and the most important thing is that it will be received only at the very right time. 

I wanted to thank you to all the staff members for all their constant support and love. And, I loved the surprise :) 

Here are some glimpse of my last working day;

Kulwant Sir, Ashok Sir, Me, Ronak Sir, Nitin bhai

With Gaura, Vimalbhai and Gopalbhai

With Raju and Ashish.
With Kulwant Sir.

With Hema Madam