Thursday 30 July 2015

Winning and Losing are two sides of the same coin.

Today when I was talking to one of my friend . We were discussing about the Competitions. How people do foolish things to just get the title of WON. People don't want to get ashamed by LOSING the game in the society.

That time , the person who was sitting next to us said one thing.

He said :- Always participate in competitions. what matters is give it your best. Don't afraid to want to win. If you win, treat your competitors with respect; they worked and tried as hard as you did. If you lose, walk with your head held high, with a smile on your face, and remind yourself that you did your very best.

---------------------------------------It's not always about Winning!-----------------------

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Emotinal Attachment

Emotional Attachment

"......There's time to hold on

and time to let it go-

One thing is for sure, both can't happen......" 


One of the most common traps that we fall into in our relationships and life. Attachment makes us dependent on the people and things around us and makes us forget that we have natural self-esteem. It also makes it impossible to find true and lasting happiness.

To be attached is to believe there is something 'out there' that will make us happy. This could be anything - a job, money, a new startup , or winning a competition! Of course, it can also be another human being who we believe will make us happy. This is where our dependence on a partner comes from. Whatever the attachment is, it points to a need that we are trying to fulfill, and when this fails we feel hurt and begin to suffer.

As per my opinion- I believe that the Emotinal Attachment point starts from ... when we think that there is lacking something personally, when we fell being incomplete.We start to doubt and start assuming
that we need somebody or something else to make us feel complete and happy.At the core of our doubt is the belief that we are personally lacking in love and therefore start searching outside of us in the world.

The human mind is that the things we become attached to, are also our greatest gifts. In other words, we minimize our lives and become dependent in the very areas that we are experts! The conclusion from this finding is that we do not need to search for love in the people or situations around us. All of us are naturally gifted in love and have the ability to form successful and happy relationships. But we are also afraid of this greatest of gifts - and that is why we so easily become attached to people and material world. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

Life speed up as we get older and the memories shapes our past.

The memories tell the survivors story. Memory starts with beginning of the childhood days and goes on and on untill what we might remember just before we die .

I believe that Past story is a pretty good guide to what you will do tomorrow .

To know who you are as a person, you need to have some idea of who you have been.


It’s about fear. We are afraid of growing up, afraid of staying young. Afraid of our future, because we dont know what is going to happen ahead ? What good's and bad's are gonna come ? afraid of our past because we dont want that our bad past should once again come in front of us. Some of us are afraid of failure, some of us are afraid of success. Afraid of being too much or not enough. Some of us are scared we will not be brilliant or amazing or unique or rich or famous or inspiring or important or seen…or loved. We are afraid we will never find someone who will love us, unconditionally and some of us are afraid we will. Some of us are afraid of both. It’s these contradictions that can make life so confusing and scary and difficult to deal with it.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Unexpected well sunday spend..


Random plan always works.... I always wait for weekends...even i know that i wont be able to enjoy on weekends because of extra activities ( socialize ). But you know you get that relaxing moment its office time...
Well, I had an amazing day spend with friends , tried new flavours , new dishes and lot more happened which indirectly motivated me...and finally ended a day with coffee and hot sizzling brownie....
Now need to plan for the coming week. Again same boring college are going to start....

Friday 17 July 2015

Prayer. . .

Over the years, I have said many prayers to God and I haven't always gotten the answers I wanted...
When I was a little girl, Mom used to forcefully join my hands and on behalf me she used to say things to God....bcz at that time i was not knowing the actual meaning of prayer and its value...
When i was in high school, I prayed for my lost friend , to come back in my life,but it never happened..
Right now being in the final year of college, I pray to become a successful person and lots more goes back in wish then second and the list has no end....
I become selfish at this point.... I know its bad....

What I learned from the unanswered questions is "What we most want isn't always What we most need ". We muddle through this world trying to find the purpose , love @nd a lot of more...

Losing my friend helped to open my heart to the love of many other people... 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Dream story !

 “Letting go of the past means that you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now."

Amazing Story......

"Your Dreams Are Your Own and Bring Both Warnings and Gifts"

I grew up on a small cattle farm in the very small farming town of Savannah, Missouri with my grandfather and great grandparents.

My great grandmother used to sit outside on the back porch and string green beans or peel apples when the weather was mild, a worn dish towel over her knee and an ancient paring knife moving with practiced ease. As a very small child I would often sit with her, watching, and sometimes we would talk.

One Evening,
I asked if she had ever had something that she always wanted to do; a dream? She smiled and set down her work, leaned back and looked off across the farm for a moment, lost in thought.

She said that she had always wanted to see the ocean, to visit Hawaii, and see the Eiffel Tower. She had only seen these things in pictures and on TV, and they were beautiful to her. But she was scolded by relatives and friends for having such ideas and encouraged to put away these things that would never happen.

So she did.

Instead she got married, raised two children, tended the farm alongside her husband, and prepared every meal without complaint. She packed my lunches, took me to school every single day, sewed my dresses and Halloween costumes from scratch, and made me cinnamon pies.

She paid all the bills on time, did the grocery shopping, helped her community in any way she could, and was a very good wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.

At her funeral the church overflowed; every seat was taken by lives she had touched, more stood in the vestibule and were forced out onto the sidewalk. She gave so much in her life while asking for nothing in return. She was an amazing woman, but I knew she never forgot her dream.

That one afternoon spent sitting with my great grandmother, watching her as she spoke with such warmth and sadness, stuck with me.

As I became older I turned the story over and over in my head like a coin because I instinctively knew its lesson had two sides, but I was only seeing one. After many years of inspection, I found the duality that her story contained: a warning and a gift.

The Warning: Make the choice to not let others dictate your dreams or goals.
Your dreams are yours, no matter how simple or small or large or complicated they may be, and you have a right to chase them at any point in your life, for any reason.

Do not give in to fear or uncertainty, do not doubt yourself, do not ask “Why? Why is this so important to me?” Your dreams are yours and yours alone, no one can take them from you and you should never give up on them.

The Gift: Make the choice to find happiness in your current path.

Sometimes, for some reason, we choose to walk away from what our heart wants. Maybe we make the choice out of necessity, maybe we do not really have a choice in the matter, maybe we did not realize what we wanted ’til it was too late, maybe we did not want to seem “weird” to our friends.
But life will always find a way to give you happiness, so be brave and keep yourself open to receive the joy that life is trying to give you.

My great grandmother never gave herself permission to go do what she had always wanted to do, even when she had the time and money to do so. But she decided to never be resentful of her choices, rather she chose to find new meaning and fulfillment in her situation.

Have the strength to attain dreams you think are out of your reach while allowing yourself to find peace when you do not follow your heart. Learn to succeed when others predict you will fail, and to laugh when you stumble or get lost.

Your dreams and your life are your own; never forget that.


Monday 13 July 2015

I have learned.........

I've learned-
       that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.

I've learned-
       that it takes years to build up trust and seconds to destroy it.

I've learned-
       that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned-
        that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I've learned-
       that the people you care the most in Life are taken from you too soon.

I've learned-
      that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting
        people's feelings and emotions, and standing up for what you believe.

Saturday 11 July 2015

A Cup of Coffee and plenty of talks ;)

My Late Night Coffee story with my friend.....
After the hectic day with something going on at the back of mind, it was late evening at 11:00. I decided to have a cup of Coffee, Though the weather was humid, it was burning hot but still I decided to have hot coffee & my coffee partner is "Palak Thakur". We both always accompany each other for Coffee....
Normally v have Combination of Maggie and Coffee but feeling sad that Maggie is no more with us.
I have seen that
A lot can happen over a cup of coffee :-
 You find new friends...
You may get your closed one back...
You disclose deep-rooted secrets...
You may get your life partner...
So many stories are there that comes out along with the smell of coffee....

Accept Me !

This is dedicated to all those people who are like me who have had a hard time but are working through it and who like being who they are! 

I love to be myself...
Do not change me, forgive  me for my mistakes , nor put me down.

Accept me for what I am, 
No, you need not agree with me, 
But accept me, for I am total in being.

I have my faults
I have my guilts
But that is who I am. 
I know , I am not perfect !!! 

But , I always try to learn something from each moment.
My Life Journey has lots more to teach me.. .. .. ..

Allow me to be uninhibited,
Into feeling what I do not feel. 
Accept me when I am flying high, 
As I have accepted you 
When you were flying high. 

Do not put me down, 
Nor make me feel unhappy about me. 
I AM I... 
And I like being what I am...

Friday 10 July 2015


I wish i was a kid again. Things changed for me so fast.

In a world filled with changes each and every new day..

I feel I 'm being judged for what i do and say..

I remember back to Barbies and play days at park..

When I didn't worry about other people's  remarks..

Now looking in the mirror I see to my surprise..

A completely different person staring in my eyes..

The carefree little girl I saw at my primary school days..

Is turned to adult, Just trying to face the challenges, trying to survive in this Selfish World..

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Which one of them to pick ?

Can you imagine a similar situation ? In Real Life ?
Yes , I do !
And even majority of the crowd would have faced it ...... Or it may arise in nearby future...

According to the survey  80% of crowd believe What you study in School , College will determine your career path, your life purpose and whether you will be happy and successful. 

Growing ahead in Life makes me happy at one side but at the same time it scares me too... There comes a critical point where you have to make a choice : "Take one , Skip Another". At that point to take decision becomes very hard.  

Whenever the scenario to pick up a decision comes...Many of us , Instead of  choosing on the basis of  our own skills and values, the decision is made on the basis of what the society will think ? what parents told ?Or many time there is lack of experience or guidance and many other factors are there. . .

After working on that decision one is happy or sad or he/she has a regret that is another part of story. . .

Recently one of my friend advised me  and answered: “Live life. Collect experiences. You never know what experience you have is going to put you in the direction of a career.”
Whenever you pick any decision, think about who YOU are. Are you good at maths? Are you a good listener? Are you a bad driver? All of these things will lead you to a major that suits YOU.  Because 
“We need to do what we are,”

Sunday 5 July 2015

A Picture of Confidence

I am not afraid to be myself. I am plain, simple, and beautiful  , the key is that I know Who I am. I always take things in a different way. I knows that there are certain things on which can contribute to this world, at this time or may not. 

I know my style , It doesn't matter what people think. Sometimes people say that I have attitude. Let me tell you , Saying truth is not what you people called "Attitude".

I am supposed to be on the front lines, I will be there. I won't  step back. Because I believe in :"If you are blessed with supportive skills, be the best supporter you can be. Expand your skills. Celebrate the talents and experiences God has blessed you with."

Never think about " I am useless, My body is useless ,...I am not good at this....."(negative thoughts). Never complain about fat toes or big hips or a long chin. Never think anything negative about it. I always think  that the body was merely an earthly vessel — something necessary to function here on earth. 

Imagine yourself as a princess wearing an exquisite gown with a precious crown placed on your head. That’s who you are, after all. You are a daughter of the King.

Saturday 4 July 2015


Film : Humari Adhuri Kahani....
(Definately it is "adhuri" on Entertainment value)

Talking about the Characters :
 Emraan Hashmi, Vidya Balan and Rajkumar Rao .

While Emraan does put up a strong act as the protective, caring and sensitive lover, it is his eyes that do most of the talking.

While Vidya Balan, despite being such a talented actress, seems to be wasted in this film. This can be attributed to the poor way in which her character has been written. There are moments which make you feel the pain and the agony that her character is going through, but looking at her character cry helplessly after every few minutes makes you immune to her pain.

While Rajkumar Rao, on the other hand, has a small role and will be best remembered for his howls and shouts.
                                         ***One of the Scene***

 When Unspirited vasudha(vidya Balan) dramatically transforms into a modern-Durga..

Another dialogue in the same scene was when the women cover their bodies in numerous announcements of their martial status(the mangalsutra, sindoor, wedding ring....) take on their husband surnames & carry babies thrrough nine months of pregnancy with painful labour handling the child over to be named after the father...

I hope one day all the womens of our society who considers themselves as a helpless womens may turn to such Modern_Durga form....... 

Friday 3 July 2015

Anchoring !

Anchoring Spoural'15 Cultural Festival at Charusat University.

My first experience... It was an amazing work..I want to thank You to the girl standing next to me...She is Sachi  my dost, ghost and co-host.We had so much of fun and did a wonderful opening of the day.