Tuesday 28 July 2015

Emotinal Attachment

Emotional Attachment

"......There's time to hold on

and time to let it go-

One thing is for sure, both can't happen......" 


One of the most common traps that we fall into in our relationships and life. Attachment makes us dependent on the people and things around us and makes us forget that we have natural self-esteem. It also makes it impossible to find true and lasting happiness.

To be attached is to believe there is something 'out there' that will make us happy. This could be anything - a job, money, a new startup , or winning a competition! Of course, it can also be another human being who we believe will make us happy. This is where our dependence on a partner comes from. Whatever the attachment is, it points to a need that we are trying to fulfill, and when this fails we feel hurt and begin to suffer.

As per my opinion- I believe that the Emotinal Attachment point starts from ... when we think that there is lacking something personally, when we fell being incomplete.We start to doubt and start assuming
that we need somebody or something else to make us feel complete and happy.At the core of our doubt is the belief that we are personally lacking in love and therefore start searching outside of us in the world.

The human mind is that the things we become attached to, are also our greatest gifts. In other words, we minimize our lives and become dependent in the very areas that we are experts! The conclusion from this finding is that we do not need to search for love in the people or situations around us. All of us are naturally gifted in love and have the ability to form successful and happy relationships. But we are also afraid of this greatest of gifts - and that is why we so easily become attached to people and material world. 

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