Thursday 12 November 2020

So, Tomorrow it's Diwali'2020 !

 Hello folks! Hope you all are in good health and keeping safe. 

Year 2020 shall be added in world's history... No one ever could have thought that at some point of time our lives shall be such, where we have to go through 'Lock down Phase', Mask & Sanitizer would be an most essential thing to wear/or carry along with us the moment we step out of our homes.... One of my relative definition for Mask : Body-Part... 

Across the Globe, Many people lives have been take away from the near and dear ones. Everyone wishes to get back to the normal life 100%

At this moment, there is a mix feeling of joy and sorrow, this is a second Diwali after dad's demise.. It feels so so incomplete without his presence. He was so fond to buy Gold Ginny on the day of Dhanteras, used to get Fafda and Jalebi snacks on the day of dusshera, buy new clothes, used to give us cash to do shopping, and much more....... 

He was our world, I wish he would have been with us. I personally have no clue to summarize how year 2020 has been and what's my take away?

It was a depressive year, a bit of broken, with lot many questions still unanswered, looking for a way out, trying to stay positive for my own self development...

I read somewhere written by someone "If there is no light without dark, no moving up without going down, no joy without sorrow, no rainbow without the rain, no good without some bad, no journeying within without knowing what's around - then maybe there is no knowing wholeness without knowing it is to be a bit broken? 

I realized the fact that it is so absolutely meaningful and gives a sense to its saying. It is so important to move through all experiences and emotions, In short, In order to reach to the other part of the tunnel, we need to go through the dark. In order to enjoy the beauty of the nature, enjoy the vacations to the hill station surrounded by greenary, for which rain is must. Life is a journey, we just have to move on as per our destiny.

Wishing you all a Happy Diwali :)

Thursday 17 September 2020


 Are you still thinking for what "D SQUARE stands for ??

Let me answer this to you all...It stands for "Divya & Divyansh"


  I dont know but today's date seems to be a lucky one...

 At first call of morning, came to know about deepika's good news and later on in second call of Divya... She shared about their marriage dates.

 Many Many Congratulations to both of you!



There are some bond/relations which never required regular/timely attention...

And, our relation is like the same.

My life has completely changed from past one and half year. I was engrossed with own problems and with all new responsibilities. Hence, was not able to stay in continuous touch with all of you. 

But, I feel grateful to have you both in my best people list because you both have special qualities and a lot to learn from you.

The most important thing is that you both have stood with me throughout the college life and till now..

Thanks a lot!

Jaldi milenge abb @Banaras mein.....

Count down begins for the big day!

Lots of Love to "DD SQUARE"

From your Pagli(Honey)!


 Yes, It's GoodNewzz!!! 

It's 17th Septtember,2020.

Deepika's birthday(My bestfriend). And, from past very long time, I was not able to stay in regular touch with her. But, if i fail to take out time on her very special day, it would be injustice from my end.

So,what happened today?

I called her after reaching to office to wish her "Happy Birthday!"She replied "Thank You,,, and not even taking a very next minute... she replied Ek GoodNewzz... hein!"

Next month "I am going to deliver my baby....:)"  

This really made my day:) 

Few captures of our last memories; Miss You :(

From College days especially the Futuretower memories to Deepika's marriage and now this motherhood phase...Congratulations deepi and wish you all the very best.. Awaiting for our littlebaby to onboard in this space...

Please stay safe and Take Care... 

Miss you @Ishani and @bhumika.... I missed to be part of this frame/special day of bhumika... :(

Love you All :-*)


Monday 31 August 2020


Each one has their own defination tor "Comeback".....

Today, for me it's been an year i left my previous job and was leaving Pune to comeback to Gujarat (to settle at this place(i.e. Baroda)... during childhood we used to call this city as Nani vali City... 

How does it feel like When you have a lot with you, all of sudden you start losing one by one, ....   and everything turns out to be dark... it becomes difficult to see the light at the end of tunnel.. State of devastating.

Today, during my conversation with my friend (Mantej Singh), we spoke on this topic Comeback... 

And, when i told him that I feel like I lost everything. And, a fear has developed inside that its now not possible for me to comeback.

He made me understand by saying that "You are on right track. Because when you feel come back is not possible that is the time you have nothing to loose.. And only thing you are left is with gain....So just think what you want to do and feel only things you want to do and dream only things you wanna do and just move on the direction...May be you would be wrong but atleast you would be on a path where you wanted to be...

Thanks buddy for being there at the most needed time...

We have faced setbacks in our life, but very few of those have that hunger to turn it around comeback.

Losing it all, then gaining it all, its a skill and very few pass this phase.. All you need is hard work and the most important "positive action."

The time of losing has gone..... now the next phase is yet to cross "to gain it all..."

Missing Dad :-*)

Lots of Love 

Wednesday 29 July 2020



This morning, While I was travelling to office. Almost, 45 minutes of travel, there were lot many thoughts came to my mind on Growth.. 

I discussed with my friend and asked him "What comes the first thing to your mind on "Growth""
He replied: "Today where I am and previously Where I was!'

We all face and go through changes as the time flies away...

If I take example of mine; 

I always look back and feel nostalgic about it...

Schooling and (hometown) in Dahod,
Graduation days in Anand,
Post Graduation days in Pune,
Internship in Delhi,
First Job in Pune and 
Currently in Vadodara (2nd Job)...

So, basically we all keep growing in our lives...According to me, 

"Growth is  something that makes us unprepared and it is uncertain..."

Like in my case, After schooling, I moved to new city for pursuing my Graduation Course....

After Graduation Course, I moved to another new city for pursuing my Post-Graduation Course...

During the Post-Graduation Course, I choose another new city to pursue my Internship Course...

Likewise.... so on... the cycle goes on..

And, all the above change/transition/ which ultimately ends up by "Growth" have always been the toughest and most challenging, with lot's of Up's and down's, at some point it stretched us and push to go beyond, sometime as there was no other option to choose so basically all that we can do was to step in with what option we have..

#Uncertain #Growth #Transition #challenging #Unprepared....

"Stay health and Take Care. . ."


Friday 24 July 2020

Year 2020 "For Survival"

Hello Readers,

I am back after a very long time. Hope you all are safe and healthy!

Not only a small village,
a city,
a state,
a country,
But, Yes The Entire Globe... is struggling with this tough time of Covid-19.

We all realized that it was all fun and games in the beginning(i.e. End of March/Initial of April), many of us started cooking, trying out all new recipes especially baking Cakes and Ice-Creams/Shakes as it was hot summer days.

We all always seek for some or the other change in our daily lives. Unfortunately, we never expected this type of lifestyle change, the way we socialize, the way we interact with people at work and in our personal life, our cultural norms...

Scene before Covid-19/Lock-down;

1. Let's go to "Lonavala" impromptu plan: Yes, Why Not. Let's pack a backpack and get into the car and go....
2. Let's invite them for dinner: Yes, No problem. . . without any second thought we call/text the respective guest...
3. Visit to Hospital for normal routine checkup.: Yes, booked the appointment and visit accordingly.
Like so on. . .

And, if we talk about the present days;

A complete opposite situation. . .
1. Let's go to "Lonavala" impromptu plan: We can't. . .until and unless travel is related to utmost important need.
2. Let's invite them for dinner: We can't. . . (i.e. exceptional cases and with little extra care.)
3. Visit to Hospital for normal routine checkup.: No. Dr. are not ready to even measure BP. Until and Unless there is an emergency case.
Like so on. . .

Are this changes going to be permanent? This is ringing the minds of people across the globe.. In many ways, Yes... It would take longer time to go back to old days.

But, then slowly slowly we all understand the fact that "Oops, this is not going to end soon, it has a long way to go. . ." This Virus has already took a massive shit all over our lives and it still has more shit's to bring.

And likewise, each day is a little heavy. . .and prayers across the globe for it's END soon.

We never ever expected that there would be such days where there would be a strict restrictions in visiting each others places, gatherings/outings, . . etc.   with a better intention. Covid-19 has brought a Limit for almost everything and also built boundaries, has resulted in a large number of human live being lost.

We all are clueless of what's hold next for all of us. . .

We all wish to see it's end very soon and eagerly waiting for it's vaccine. . .

Take Care everyone... :)
Stay Safe and healthy... :)
Much of Love!

Friday 26 June 2020

A Walk at ONGC Campus !

It's been 10 months to be here in this city (i.e. Baroda).... Still, I am not able to settle and adjust here...

I was just wondering and infact also realized that how liking keeps on changing...

For Example : Like when i was in school, i used to stay in dahod (i.e. hometown) , at that time Baroda was like the best city and I used to love to spend my holidays here.... Slowly,,, as the years passed away, i moved to pune for my post graduation course and sometime in Delhi for my internship.

And, now I am back to this city for my job and in the process to make this city as my new "hometown."

After a long time, found a place for walking which can not be like "Amanora", Pune but
atleast the same silence, same peace and ....

"Main Entrance"


"Which way to go?"

Sunday 10 May 2020

COVID-19 has forced us to do work from home...

Looking Back,  How many of us demanded WFH? The count would be countless..

While sitting at Office Desk,, we all would have asked God "Please God, give me WFH type of Job.." Becuase that's so nice,,, we can do our office work and also relax,, doing office work in pyjama's../in shorts.

Well, I guess everyone of us have experienced Work from Home during this Lockdown phase due to COVID-19...

Life has a its unique styles to teach you a lesson in the most unexpected ways. Majority of us would have demanded(i.e. Non IT Field Employees) to have Work from Home policy, and look we got it and we are experiencing it.

I used to think working from home was just an awesome style, but i was wrong, it is toughest thing to do..

One side Office work and on the other side there is endlist list for household activities,, starting from early morning routine assigned by HOD member of the house,

It could be,

Cooking the Breakfast,
Taking care of the Water machines and ensuring all the water tanks are filled up,
To go to market to get some veggies, fruits or grocery stuff,
Cleaning the bedroom,
Help to wind up the kitchen,
Watering the Plants,
Washing Utensils,
List may be endless...

Which leads to irritation and frustration...

The pets in the house are confused what's happening here no one is stepping out and neither i am taken out for a scroll. For a change i am not barking but someone else is!

But, All this is important as long as we all are in home and are staying safe... Especially taking care of children and elders..

Lot's of Love,

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Happy 3rd Month Anniversary Jitu & Bhabhi !

27th April, 2020, it's there 3rd month marriage anniversary. This photo is so charming and refreshing. Happiness can be seen on both of their faces.... :-*)

We all decided to celebrate it at home itself. As, due to this current there are no chances to go out..

During this lockdown, we all have become Chef! Especially, Cake expert... After trying and wasting cakes for 5-6 times... But, anyways finally we made it through and now its all family members demand that now whatsoever occasion is there,,,

Khabadar agar cake bahar se aya he toh,,,, !

Here are some captures of that evening....

Jitu, Roshni Mami, Me, Bhabhi, Rita Mami, Kajal.
Oreo Cake...It's so yummy....

So, Bhabhi made a special Surti Aloo Puri dish for all of us..

Few of us at home had it for the very first time,,, it was just so yumm....

It has that yummy chaat taste,, There is a maida soft puri topped with Aloo ki white peas sabzi, Green Chutney, Kajur Chutney, Fried Roti Churra, Sev and onion...

Please try it at home,,, You can easily get the recipee on  Youtube...

Stay Home and Stay Safe.

Lot's of Love...

Lockdown due to COVID-19 Situation.

It's my society view, early morning.
So, This is the morning view of around 8 A.M. I was on the way to get milk from the nearest dairy.

This is a very sad thing that is happening globally. It's been more than a month now of this lockdown. Health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress are constantly increasing. It is said that Life is full of Up's and Down. Sometime we do fall in life. At this current situation, YES..... We all have fallen....

We all shall surely stand up... slowly,,, slowly,,, We shall Overcome...

Because, what matters is to stood up, after we fall.

This is a natural disaster, there is no one to blame for...

For Example, In business/ Corporate office, you can't blame to production head for the delay or you can't blame to marketing/sales person for not bringing in the business, you can't blame the courier service for the documents that are stuck in the mid way and yet to reach to the destination,,, due to which the payments are kept on HOLD!

In HOUSE, you can't scream or get angry on maids for not being presence...

And, Likewise....

All family members are at home together for which we use to wait for so long time. We were all in a rut and now we are out of rat race, so its all about the basics for everyone - food, health and family.

I have begun and am sure not only me but many people would have started appreciating all the smallest blessings... Because, we have no idea of What's Next ?

I am feeling drowsy,,,, Good Night... Take Care and Take precautions....

This topic shall continue in my next post...

Lot's of Love...

Sunday 26 April 2020

My School Best Friend Wedding !

Here it goes....

I could see my best friend has entered to a different chapter in her life.

Dr. Krishna Weds Dr. Ankur 

Sangeet and Enagement..
So, I and krishna were together in our school till 10th grade. Post that I choose Maths and she choose Medicine. It is rightly said that it is better to have very few best who can be trustworthy and honest friend's rather having hundred of friends.

And, so she is one of those few best lifelong friend. Thanks for being with me all the time especially at the time of need.

So, she got married on 26th Feb, 2020. I am really sorry for posting this after  two months.

Wedding picture.
So, I still remember one day and it was Sunday I was waiting outside of Domino's with my cousin to pick up our order and being weekend there was a long queue. So, anyhow since the order was place so we have to wait there for almost 30-40 mins in order to receive our order and then leave for home. Constantly we were getting calls from home as everyone back at home were waiting for pizza to have it for dinner.

And, there I receive call from her saying that there is some special news to share and i guessed it that it was related to her marriage. Yes, I was correct. So, she shared the marriage date and about the guy(Ankur)... and asked me to give my presence and apply for the leave in my office in advance...

I said obviously, since it is my best friend wedding,,,,, how can i not give my presence? 

As, the days were coming closer to the wedding date... She used to share us the dance video (Friends Dance). and yes we all were located at different cities, still we all practiced at our own homes... and guess how was to performance...

A BIG FLOP! Everyone is performing jo mann me aye.... post performance while leave the stage and coming back to our seats we all were trying to hide our faces from people..... 

Well the only reason was we didn't practiced together because of staying at different cities and meeting directly on the day of sangeet...

Anyway  it was fun... But, it added to our basket of memories... I hope we never ever give such performance again in anyone's upcoming wedding...

Sangeet performance...
Friend's marriage is a kind of reunion....

With Samina

With Mana and Shreya...

@Mana and @Shreya : I meet you guyz for the very first time in my life. It was really a great time... It didn't felt like we were unknown to each other...

If i want to describe in one sentence for both of you.

@Mana for you ;*)

You are such a person who is so responsible for all her work and takes care for others so well and carry so much of patience.... By seeing the way you were next to krishna each second in order to make her comfortable and stress free.

"Best Bridesmaid goes to You"

@Shreya for you ;*)

Zindagi jina koi tjhse sikhe... You were introduced to me that she is married and she got married 2 years ago,, if i am wrong with the number of years,, pardon me...

It was very surprising one... the way you live and you have maintained... hatsoff! amazing :)

We have to make a Silvassa trip for party :) 

She is a girl who is very simple and very clean soul :)

Wishing to meet reunite again soon :)

And finally,  message for the married couple...

Congratulations to both of you and may you have many many years of together.....

"Marriage is a God Union,,, it is worth to wait and also not to wait.,,, because God has to offer to right life partner to everyone... It is incredible and this leave speechless..."

Stay home, Stay Happy !
Lot's of love...
Honey :)